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Turned 50!

So I have arrived at a milestone and the feeling is surreal. I have much to be thankful for, looking back. I'd like to enjoy more of the present while looking forward to things that are ahead. It's hard to accept that I am "old" when I feel young, both physically and in my heart. I pray that I would be wise and live accordingly.  May I find favour in God's eyes.
Recent posts

Volunteering for a meaningful cause

I have been volunteering at a helpline for the past 3+ years, offering emotional support for people who feel depressed, lonely and suicidal. I feel that it's a meaningful role where I get to give something back to society and make connections with people I would normally not be able to speak with, and to speak with them about things that would not be usually be discussed under other circumstances. I often have to remember that these conversations are not about me and my focus should be on the caller. I suppose that over the past few years I have learnt to be a better listener and to commit my focus and attention during every minute of the call to the person I'm on the line with. I'm hopeful that more volunteers will come on board and stay on to serve, as there is a lack of people manning the lines for this round-the-clock service.

Trip To Kuching

I'm in Kuching for a short visit with two of my sister's to see my dad. First time flying in close to two years. Had a little change in environment, and that gave me a chance to reflect on life and pray. It's good to switch things up a bit and observe other people's lives. It helps me to be more assured of what I want to do and what kind of person I want to be more like. I am indeed blessed.
I haven't used a phone with a handset for a long time because the mobile phone has been my main telecommunication device for phone calls for years. Gone are the days when I could slam the phone down in frustration when I had a bad call (or day). Not that I did it often, but it was sort of therapeutic if one could do so. It's good to bear in mind that one should be "gentle" when ending a call, as opposed to abruptly hanging up, so as not to send the wrong signals to the other person (unless you're sure you're sending the right signal by doing so). Wait a couple of seconds and disconnect the call. If you have a handset, set it down gently on the receiver. Easy, right?
I've watched a lot less football over the past 5 years since I moved to my current home. Unsubscribed to Astro because the only main reason to have it is to watch football. So I get my weekend nights back, plus a couple of hours of sleep during the midweek. Some people can be so passionate and worked up over matters they have very little influence over and regardless of how they may jump, scream and cross their fingers and toes, the results would be unaffected. It does put some things into perspective. I've had the privilege of observing and enjoying the reign of Arsene Wenger as manager of Arsenal Football Club for about 20 years and it was indeed a glorious era. I'll always be a gooner and as I focus on other pursuits, it's always good to hear when Arsenal wins.

Something Special About Music

I think I am happiest when I am singing and maybe performing. Sometimes I love the sound of my own voice and I enjoy expressing myself in song. I sing mostly Christian songs and I want the singing to be for the Lord. I pray that my worship will be acceptable to Him, and also that my faith and love for Him will increase. May I be a good witness for Him as He continues to work in me. May I be obedient to His will. My singing days are limited. The voice will give way, little by little every day. One day, I might not be able to carry a tune properly and I might just sound unpleasant. That's the day I want to look back and be pleased to know that I have sung while I could, and to be sure that I didn't waste many opportunities to do that.

Adding Text To Videos On Shotcut

After more than a month away from video editing on Shotcut, I forget how to add text for my lyric video. Referred to YouTube and found some new content to remind me. Add video track. Add/Open Other, select transparent colour. So that becomes the canvas for the text to be placed on. Use the simple text filter to add text. Might try the rich text filter another day. ShotCut is not as user friendly as Kapwing and it takes some time to learn how to use it because it's not as intuitive. Still, it has many advantages including better reliability, privacy and control over the videos produced. Happy to schedule one song to be published at the regular time in the morning at 7am. That way, when I wake up in the morning I can send out a "Good morning!" broadcast via WhatsApp/Telegram with the YouTube link. Side note: glad to be supposedly certified Google Educator Level 1 just yesterday. The exam turned out to be shorter and simpler than expected.